Mentors and Youth
Starting First Careers

by Using Scrapbooks and Scrum

Youth Teams Learn Coding

using Scrapbooks and Scrum

Young Hipsters ages 8 to 15 start their Training

using Scrapbooks and Scrum
to Develop Wearable Devices

Youth Teams Journal Mental Wellness

using Scrapbooks and Scrum

First Careers start with People

Syllabus Objective #1: DIGITAL SCRAPBOOKS Young Hipsters can Reverse Engineer their Future

Seniors SECURE the future of Children with Scrapbooks that transform from physical to virtual IT from A-to-Z
Research shows that equity and respect are diminished when youth consume negative emotions from four primary sources - media advertisements, elements (web) coding, business deals/kits, and technology streaming.

Digital Scrapbooks: Reverse Engineer your Future Emotions

The top six negative emotions that threaten social emotional learning are horror, anger, disgust, stress, anguish, and panic - HAD SAP.

During the last ten years, the HIPSTER development team asked over 1000 respondents to affirm or deny if these top six things makes their environment unsafe and unsecure.  The percentage of affirmations are:


Digital Scrapbooks: Reverse Engineer your Future Environment

Safe emotional environments that reduce HAD SAP is a prerequisite for equity and respect.

"Development requires the removal of major sources of unfreedom: poverty as well as tyranny, poor economic opportunities as well as systematic social deprivation, neglect of public facilities as well as intolerance or overactivity or repressive states." written by Amartya Sen

"Perhaps home is not a place but simply an irrevocable condition." written by James Baldwin

Digital ScrapbooksReverse Engineer your Future Clothing

The Clothing young hipsters wear can reduce HAD SAP, reflect positive emotions, and promote professionalism. For this reason, SECUREITZ begins with all new young hipsters on a wearable project before their first career.

Young hipsters register as a team (8 to 15 years old) to create their first digital scrapbooks designing a new wearable!

By looking closely at the latest three dimensional devices, we have concocted a novel idea for a wearable based on the covert observations during the hostings of 100s of events - art, fashion, food, and technology.

Digital Scrapbooks: Reverse Engineer your Future Business

This wearable would serve as a smart and mobile access point to the cloud worn on a person, hosting experiences inside its memory with deep learning and artificial intelligence, storing its contents as a three-dimensional media, displaying its contents as familiar traditional scrapbooks, and whose design could be as simple as the following images - a device created by Myo arm bands and a device created by nreal albeit our wearable would have a different purpose and behavior:

Armband by Myo
Glasses by Nreal

Syllabus Objective #2: Media Advertisements

Youth teams can pin to their SECUREITZ scrapbooks anything from the media - advertisements and articles - in a digital way.

SECUREITZ Youth can also document personal media or HAD SAP. HAD SAP happens everywhere such as in learning pods, home spaces, retail shops, restaurants, or even while driving a car. SECUREITZ youth can share scrapbooks by transferring scrapbooks to the SECUREITZ blogging system.

C. Cathey 14 Jun 2023 0 comment

Making Personal AI Generated People Models

The arrival of AI generated people has been here for over 20 years but finally the masses are paying attention to this well kept secret.

C. Cathey 17 May 2023 1 comment

Beautiful Wearables can Be Anything on Your Body

As our Young Hipsters think about the wearables of their future, we remind them that earrings, necklaces, and jacket pockets can ...

C. Cathey 26 June 2023 2 comment

Amazing Wearables Artist La&Jasha Champion elevates Technology and Rubbish

Being dedicated to the craft of design is special, but imagine what is possible when combined with environmental awareness and technology ...

C. Cathey 17 Sep 2022 1 comment

Providing a Virtual Tour at Miami Art Basel

Art Basel is the one-place-has-everything art show that happens every year and VR for virtual tours is the natural deep-dive for those who ...

C. Cathey 10 Oct 2022 1 comment

Augmenting Wearable Items used in Sports is an Emerging Field

Every year at CES (Consumer Electronics Show), augmenting sports clothing has resulted in wearables becoming its own area ...

C. Cathey 17 Nov 2022 1 comment

Follower Drones with 360 Degree Camera is a Floating Wearable

Do all wearables have to be pinned, sewed, or worn? The young hipster defines a wearable as anything that is attached to your body, even if its floating above you.

C. Cathey 17 Sep 2021 1 comment

Virtual People can attach to you and Observe

Since wearables are anything attached to your body, then virtual people that notice what you do everywhere are virtual(ly) wearables that ...


Syllabus Objective #3: Technology Streaming

SECUREITZ packages streams or files from 7 different technologies inside scrapbooks. The 7 technologies are scrapbooks, drones, kiosks, AR, VR, wearables, and 3-D printing. These technology streams can be added to a syllabus to demonstrate business uses and coding examples. Below are a few visual examples of wearables with which youth teams can enact scrapbooks, backward designs, or reverse advent calendars.

Syllabus Objective #4: Elements Coding

Through our observations, a mobile, wearable, and shareable approach to learning coding languages will imbue deeper meanings. SECUREITZ suggest a syllabus that uses technology streaming devices as examples and discusses various elements coding within those devices at a high level to stimulate interest. Some elements coding could also be exemplified as online tools for managing horror, anger, disgust, stress, anxiety, and panic (HAD SAP). SECUREITZ has built 121+ survey components to help youth find their voice and a deeper purpose while learning coding. Below are some simulations of widgets that youth can use and study.

The widgets used to conceptualize or build wearables embody actions or items that range widely from crude to exquisite. -Our observations suggest intuitive and exquisite widgets are peepholes to the future. After observations from over four hundred events in art worlds - ideational and traditional - SECUREITZ now cultivates and utilizes one hundred and twenty-one survey components, traditional KAP surveys, culture assessments, white label surveys, and team assessments.

Examples Below

The 10 blocks below represent (high-level) a sample thought model or maturity model to assembling an intuitive and transformative set of widgets. The 4 examples below represent some base code and ideas for widget development.

Widget #1: Choose and Survey your Virtual Moderators Ethnographers Speakers

The first security step is to choose a moderator to ADORN your wearable, WITNESS your activities, and to ASSIST in your strategies during a meeting or conference between your people.

S Speakers, I Influencers, L Leaders, F Friends, or P Partners

Natasha Mills

Division Head - Hip Hop

Jonathon Butler

Division Head - Clothing

April Davis

Division Head - Art

Marian Lacy

Division Head - Food

Labren Akin

Division Head - Marketing

Nick Waters

Division Head - Education

Epiphony Jones

Division Head - Poetry

Hallie Hostelmier

Division Head - Fashion

Marsha Makeherite

Division Head - Public Relations

Maria Marciano

Division Head - Exhibition

Marsha Mills

Division Head - Advertising

Tim Cacy

Symbolic Head - Influencer

Widget #2: Register and Survey Virtual Tribes

This process grants each person a "registered member" status and defines each account under a team wearables (business) name. In this way, both business and person is hosted inside our "safeguard" system. The registering member will receive the first membership token/card that includes their wearables serial number and subsequent membership cards can be ordered for team members (leaders and friends).


By using this membership card, our members receive several benefits including automatic allotment of safeguards in our expanding number of "third spaces", "quick meeting", or "quick sale" locations. - Our makers can also visit our various securitz ecommerce shops administered by registered leaders/staff/partners or access their account via our BEST (Business and Electronic Scrapbooking Technology) administration site empowering your own custom blogging ecommerce site driven by input from your team wearables.


Please, click the following privacy notice, our terms of use, or license agreement for more information.


  1. Enter data under the TRIBE GENERAL INFORMATION section. Click NEXT.
  2. Enter data under TRIBE ADMINISTRATORS AND LEADERS section (presidents, owners, CEO, CFO, CIO, etc.).
  3. Click the ADD button to add TRIBE ADMINISTRATORS AND LEADERS data to LIST.
  4. Repeat 2 and 3 for all TRIBE ADMINISTRATORS AND LEADERS. Click NEXT.
  5. Enter data for FRIENDS section.
  6. Click the ADD button to add FRIENDS PERSON data to FRIENDS LIST.
  7. Repeat step 5 and 6 for all FRIENDS. Click NEXT.
  8. OPTIONAL: Enter data for THIRD PARTY section.
  9. OPTIONAL: Click the ADD button to add THIRD PARTY data to THIRD PARTY LIST.
  10. OPTIONAL: Repeat step 8 and 9 for all THIRD PARTY. Click NEXT.
  11. After the grey box appears (popup), read directions and click cancel or ok.
  12. After clicking OK, a REGISTER button should appear.
  13. Click the REGISTER button.
Information with * is required.
Distributor #
Tribe Name *
Tribe Short Name *
Tribe Type *
Physical Address 1 *
Physical Address 2
Physical Location *
Physical Zip Code *
Email *
Mailing Address *
Mailing State *
Mailing Zip Code *
Mailing City *


Widget #3: Segment and Survey Virtual Panels or Groups

To Book a table for each group, hover and click a configuration you desire. Fill out detail information in pop-up form.

Date and Time

Date and time will be chosen in the next step before payment.


Prices for every 15 minutes is $2.99 and up depending on number of tables, people, and any additional event features.

Widget #4: Share and Survey Virtual Calendar

This is the fourth process that chooses starting and ending times for a particular date. Members or customers can assess data such as maturity levels, dates, times, achievements, notifications, and gamifications.

October, 2024








November, 2024








December, 2024








January, 2025








Syllabus Objective #5: BUSINESS KITS

Our wearables are partially based on starter kits which structure data for the AI's intellect. Our team has collected data sets through observations during 100s of art and technology events but we require more. Our SECUREITZ wearables will package the AI's intellect in ways that are shareable in a portfolio, viewable as a service, and tradeable as a commodity to increase equity and respect during youth business ventures. The following are different approaches to creating a syllabus for our Starter Kits:

Approach #1: Use Blogger Starter Kit

Embed your surveys into beautiful and interactive examples, rich text dialogue, videos, and full-blown stories that connect tribes together with in-the-moment commenting statistics, ethnography, social engineering, and use cases. -Besides providing a rich text system for words, pictures, and video, our blogger starter kit has the following benefits:

Approach #2: Use Scrapbook Starter Kit

Connect tribes together with links to external web apps relative to any combination of your mobile surveys or observations. Using these connections, compose deeper meanings within your tribe through parnterships or advertisements.

Approach #3: Use AI Starter Kit

Our current project is to raise money to start a feasibility study that leads to the development of a prototype for a wearable band (on arm, head, leg, finger, toe, etc.) that serves to mobilize a memory mechanism wherein capturing in-the-moment intellectual assets as three-dimensional media.


  • Harambee Interactive
    -An Annual Expo to Demonstrate the
    Technical Skills of Youth to Mentors and Sponsors

  • SECUREITZ promotes

Next Release


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Request a Demo

Young Hipsters can participate in an in-house focus group, code and build prototypes, join our early adoption program to package their own intellectual assets, and use wearables for self-improvement. Mentors and supporters can contact us to support our latest designs or integrations for cooperative devices (wearables). SECUREITZ seeks to build intellectual security and future careers rivaling against horror, anger, disgust, stress, anxiety, and panic (HAD SAP). Please, Join Us. Below is a our contact form for you to get in touch. Thank you in advance for your support.